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Who can participate in Tiger Yoga?


Tiger Yoga is aimed at everyone including: adults, teenagers, children and expectant mothers. 


Do you need any experience in yoga? 

No. Anyone can join Tiger Yoga classes from beginners to intermediate.


How does Tiger Yoga differ from other types of Yoga?

Postures as adopted by animals are behind the inspiration of Tiger-yoga: e.g. think of a wild cat such as a lion, panther or tiger stretching out it's front paws. Whilst Tiger Yoga strengthens all muscles in the body, it principally aims to develop the core muscle-groups (e.g. the abdominal area). After all, how strong is a tiger?!


What are the benefits of Tiger Yoga?

It's an eclectic mix of healing, exercise, maintaining health and well-being.



A Little More Info...


Since 2007, I have invested a lot of time and money in furthering my education (both formal and informal) in all matters relating to alternative health, yoga and fitness. My training includes a BSc (Hons) degree in Complementary Therapies from Salford University, Sivananda Yoga teacher-training from London, India. Moreover, I have undertaken  Teens Yoga teacher-training from Devon plus Hatha Yoga teacher-training, Thailand.  I am also a qualified Laughter-Yoga Teacher trained by Dr Kataria during my studies in India. 

In attending my Tiger yoga classes you will enjoy a great workout and you will soon learn
about how to create a healthier more organic lifestyle for yourself.




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